ID: com.andromo.dev78405.app198482
Version: 1.1
Size: 12 Mb
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How to install KungFu Tonic apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
KungFu Tonic Details
Kung Fu Tonic is a concentrated blend of roots and herbs that support the immune system and provide a powerful natural path for healthy vibes and overall goodness.We call it Food-Medicine.
Athletes use it to support muscle recovery and bounce back from injury. People who work in offices and hospitals use it for immune support during cold/flu season. Chefs use it as their secret ingredient in marinara sauce and for creating their own signature dishes. Others enjoy the libido boost… whatever the reason, it works.
Each ingredient in Kung Fu Tonic has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy!
We double down on that by our commitment to our ingredients. We source the best ingredients available on the market. That means Organic and Better-Than-Organic standards for everything in our bottles.
We have fun making it, and yes, we make everything ourselves. No big factory or facility–just friends working together in a certified commercial kitchen. We’re committed to cleanliness, improving our handmade production process, and staying wholly inspired. There’s honest love in every bottle.
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How to get KungFu Tonic unlimited apk