Name: Capture Clipper.apk
ID: com.fangleness.captureclipper
Version: 5.3.4
Size: 2.8 Mb
Capture Clipper Screenshots
How to install Capture Clipper apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Capture Clipper Description
Capture Clipper is a simple and easy-to-use website capture tool.Features:
- Preview before capture
- Capture the entire page
- Save PNG format
- Share capture image
- Classification with the folder
Usage (for Default Browser):
1. Display the web page on browser.
2. Show Menu.
3. Select [More].
4. Select [Share page].
5. Select [Capture Clipper].
What's new in Capture Clipper 5.3.4
- fix capture issue (tentatively)Download Capture Clipper 5.3.4 mod APK
Search terms:
How to get Capture Clipper 5.3.4 apk for android
How to use Capture Clipper unlimited apk
How to mod Capture Clipper 5.3.4 apk
How to get Capture Clipper mod apk