ID: com.hundredcents.meetingplus
Version: 1.3
Size: 3.1 Mb
Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes Screenshots
How to install Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes Details
How about an app that converts your discussions to text notes and then an Artificial intelligent system analyze the discussion.This intelligent Meeting Analyzer for the rescue.
Plus it is backed by a very powerful Artificial Intelligence that extracts important keywords from your discussion.
Intelligent Voice to Text feature
Super Smart Artificial Intelligence to extract keywords
Create #NotebookFreeMeetings
Ease Conversation with more focus
Reduce after-meeting notes
Offline store your conversations
Powerful Backup feature
Automatic Restore your backups
Use this app to record Boardroom meetings, Lectures, Gossips, Brainstorming Sessions and every conversation.
This Smart Discussion Manager helps save your time by almost 30%. So 30% more productivity , 30% more time saved.
-Simply tap on record button to start the discussion and tap Stop button when done.
-You have your discussions converted to text notes smartly.
-Manage these notes in a easy way.
-Create gists from these notes using app's Gistify feature.
-It presents you discussion keywords from which you can summarize the discussion.
-And quickly navigate to get the keyword meanings
-Use these text notes and keywords to create Minutes of Meeting anytime anywhere.
So lets go smart again.
What's new in Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes 1.3
-Removed beep sound while recording-Share Note feature
-Internet check while recording
-Minor fixes
Download Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes 1.3 mod APK
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How to mod Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes 1.3 apk
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